The beauty of Lake Obersee in Glarus, Switzerland

The beauty of Lake Obersee in Glarus, Switzerland
The beauty of Lake Obersee in Glarus, Switzerland 0% 100 0 votes

This magical wallpaper shows the Obersee, a beautiful lake located on Oberseealp in the Canton of Glarus in Switzerland. The stunning Lake Obersee is flanked by high cliffs on three sides which makes it a picturesque landscape. This beautiful lake is famous for its unique nature and surreal views, which makes the journey breathtaking. The clear water of the lake surrounded by the magical Alps and tranquility of the place is one of the many reasons this lake in Switzerland is loved by many tourists! This magnificent wallpaper shows a serene scene in the Swiss Alps, and perfectly captures the beauty of Lake Obersee in Glarus, Switzerland. Enjoy this beautiful picture of the crystal clear lake and the magical nature of Switzerland!

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