Sunset in the pacific coast of Monterrico, Guatemala

Sunset in the pacific coast of Monterrico, Guatemala
Sunset in the pacific coast of Monterrico, Guatemala 0% 100 0 votes

Monterrico, a small fishing town located on the Pacific Coast in the state of Santa Rosa, has plenty to keep you busy. From hiking to surfing, from horseback riding to turtle watching, you’ll never be bored during your stay at this hidden paradise.
Many visitors to the area choose to come from June to September when you’ll be able to see some of the Pacific’s sea turtles come up onto the shore to lay their eggs. It’s quite an amazing sight—to think that we’re watching creatures that have been on this planet for millions of years go about their lives in a way that they’ve done countless times before. At Monterrico, you can go and see it for yourself.
The particular thing about this beach is the sand. You will have the chance to step on a black-sanded beach due to the volcanic activity of the region, which is perfect for playing in and perfect for building and creating as well.

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