Summertime on the beach in the Outer Banks, North Carolina

Summertime on the beach in the Outer Banks, North Carolina
Summertime on the beach in the Outer Banks, North Carolina 0% 100 0 votes

his beautiful wallpaper shows the Outer Banks, a 200-mile string of barrier islands and spits of the coast of North Caroline and southeastern Virginia, on the east coast of the United States. The Outer Banks are a major tourist attraction that has beautiful long beaches and clear water. The place shown in this stunning picture is called Kinnakeet, also known by the name Avon. This fairytale-like place in North Caroline is famous for its beautiful nature and calmness. Kinnakeet is a small place perfect for relaxing and enjoying, because of its stunning beaches and romantic sunsets.
This gorgeous wallpaper of the Outer Banks shows the turquoise water and clear skies, and it is a perfect way to feel the beauty of this place!

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