Stars above the dark Baltic Sea

Stars above the dark Baltic Sea
Stars above the dark Baltic Sea 100% 100 1 votes

In this wallpaper, we can see stars above the dark Baltic Sea and a small light on the surface of the water. The stars are twinkling in different colors and we can see some clouds in the background.

It is a beautiful night scene with many stars. The water is calm and reflects the light from the start. This wallpaper is perfect for everyone who loves to stargaze on a clear night. The stars are beautiful and mysterious.

The Baltic Sea is located in Northern Europe and is bordered by six countries: Denmark, Germany, Poland, Russia, Sweden and Lithuania. This sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean via the Danish Straits and with the North Sea through the Great Belt. The Baltic Sea is a popular destination for tourists because it has many islands, several harbors and beautiful beaches.

The Baltic Sea is an important water body for trade and fishing. It is also an important source of drinking water for many countries surrounding it. The Baltic Sea has a very low salinity level, as fresh water from rivers flows into the sea.

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