Magical waves and redwood forests in Big Sur, CA

Magical waves and redwood forests in Big Sur, CA
Magical waves and redwood forests in Big Sur, CA 0% 100 0 votes

Big Sur is a scenic region in western California, U.S., that has a 100-mile long seacoast along the Pacific ocean. This place with narrow, mountainous coastal roads has some of the most beautiful views you will ever come across. Big Sur, CA is also known for its diverse wildlife and redwood forests. People that visit Big Sur are mostly intrigued by the magnificent coastal scenery, beautiful nature, and colorful history of the place. To this day, Big Sur is still a slow-paced, mostly natural place perfect for relaxation. Blue waters and relaxing views are a big part of Big Sur, California, and the beauty of the Pacific ocean is perfectly pictured on this wallpaper. Let yourself enjoy this beautiful picture of turquoise water and magical waves!

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